Author Info
Title | Author(s) | Available | Age Group |
Categories | Language |
Five True Dog Stories | Margaret Davidson | 2 | Children | Biography ; General fiction | English |
Dolphins! | Margaret Davidson | 1 | Children | General fiction ; Unknown | English |
The Story of Thomas Alva Edison, Inventor: The Wizard of Menlo Park | Margaret Davidson | 2 | Children | American history ; Biography | English |
The Story of Jackie Robinson: The Bravest Man in Baseball | Margaret Davidson | 1 | Children | General fiction ; Unknown | English |
Louis Braille - The Boy Who Invented Books for the Blind | Margaret Davidson | 0 | Children | World history ; Unknown | English |
Louis Braille - The Boy Who Invented Braille Books | Margaret Davidson | 0 | Children | Biography ; Unknown | English |
Helen Keller's Teacher | Margaret Davidson | 0 | Children | Biography | English |